Maximum passengers per booking:
To ensure a smooth booking process, we have a maximum limit of 15 passengers per booking on our website. If you're planning a trip with a larger group, you can simply make multiple bookings, each accommodating up to 15 passengers, until you reach your desired total.
Minimum passengers per booking:
While most operators allow bookings for a single passenger, some have specific minimum requirements due to logistical reasons. These minimums may vary between two, three, or even four passengers per booking. This information is displayed on the product page, and you will only be able to proceed with the booking if your group size is within the required minimum.
If you're traveling with fewer people than the minimum required, you can consider purchasing additional tickets to reach the minimum threshold.
Please note: Always check the specific details of your chosen tour or activity to confirm the minimum and maximum passenger limits.
Need more help?
If you have any further questions or encounter any issues, feel free to contact our customer support team. They're here to assist you and ensure a seamless booking experience.