Knowledge base
Frequently asked questions
Booking Process
Booking status
- What's the status of my booking?
- How can I check the status of my booking?
- Do I get an instant confirmation?
- My booking is still awaiting confirmation
- How long does it take for a booking to be approved or declined?
- Why was my booking declined?
Luggage, vehicles and special items policies
Booking process
- Can I book a ticket on the same day I want to leave?
- How many passengers can I book for at once?
- The dates that I want to book for are not available
- There are no rides for the route I’ve searched
- How do I choose a ride with the amenities I need?
- Can I choose my pickup and drop-off locations?
Payment, fees and refunds
Payment and fees
- Which currency do you charge in?
- The price online is different from the one at the station
- Service fees
- Is tax included in the listed prices?
- Do you have special prices for children or for seniors?
- Can I pay in cash at the station or at my pickup location?